Every month or so I have to change my password on my day job Computer.  I use phrases instead of words.  Things like “What Am I Supposed To Do Now?” waIs2dn?
or “Think Lottery Numbers Think Lottery Numbers” Tl#stlns.  The theory being I will generate action by repeating a daily mantra.  It usually works when I don’t ask a question, or look for an answer.  Like when I used “Just Build It , right,  Now” Jbi,r,n! I completed a very complex software project before the required mantra change.

In the last 3 months I have filmed, edited, produced and shipped a short documentary on my 40th high school reunion.  Designed, built and presented to my peers a sophisticated “invisible” data archiving system, and discovered the internet video storage software I have been searching for.  All with the password, 1byteaaT “One Byte At A Time”. 

Recently many, many people have been asking about my “next” book.  My standard retort is, “they say you should write what you know and everything I know is in the book I wrote”.
On the other hand with all the oppportunites for ePublishing, I must confess I have been tempted to dust off the first chapter of Gabriel’s Horn and get back to it.  Perhaps my password will change to Gnu2tht “Gabriel needs you to tell his tale”.

Also, recently many people have shown great interest in my Archiving solution, but I have grown tired of authoring works for the computers pleasure, so it is unlikely that my password will be anything like Aiurc,ai “Automation is your calling, answer it”

A good friend of mine is launching her new book, Daughter of a Porn King, and has asked me to help her “get the word out”.  Her goal is to notify 20 million people.  Very ambitious, but if anyone can do it I’m sure America’s Joy Coach, Cynthia Glickman , has had her password set to GTWO220M, for several months now. (Being neither a daughter nor a Joy coach, I am only to happy to relinquish this password to Cynthia.)

I wish I could open a fortune cookie, read the signs or be awakened in the middle of the night with my next password, but, so far,  the directional motivation, inspiration and insight I seek are protected by a password, as yet, unrevealed.  So each month I make the increMental change confident that, one day, the words to pass into destiny’s next adventure will direct me.