Last October, I finished my novel. I was ecstatic. I said what I wanted to say. My readers and proofers were delighted with the final revisions. I built a website to support the content. I had agents offering to represent me. I found some 3d page turning ebook software. I contracted with Dog Ear to publish. It was all good and all quite exciting.
The mechanics of publishing have continued. I am working with editors and Dog Ear’s production folks. I am even working on the audio version. But since the first of the year I have started to feel burdened by the “business” of writing. I don’t want to be, but I am. I knew the paperback version wouldn’t be out for another 3 or 4 weeks, but, it just seems like it’s taking forever.
Tom Bird told me back when I started this adventure less than a year ago, “As soon as you finish your first book, start your next one”. This most excellent advice I pass on to you as I work on my next novel. I think you will find, as I have, the waiting(on the completed work) is truly the hardest part.
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