About this time last year I decided to change directions and find a new way to earn a living in my second adulthood.
Two weeks ago I turned 55 and set out to determine if I had been successful by checking off the items on the list of tasks I created.
1. Continue to earn a living writing Software for another year. (Done)
2. Have a writing coach read the first 30 pages of the book I started writing 3 years ago. (Done)
3. Attend a Tom Bird “You were Born to be Published” seminar. (Done)
4. Finish the book if the feedback is positive. (Done)
5. Find an Agent (Done)
6. Have at least 3 objective people read the first draft. (Done)
7. Revise the book as needed. (Done)
8. Get the book published as a 3D page turning e-book. (Done)
9. Get the book published as a normal paperback. (Done)
10. Figure out how to market the book (In Progress and Ongoing)
11. Earn a living as an author (Not yet)
I have learned a lot about publishing, writing and authors this past year, but there is still much more to learn. So here’s my list for 2008.
1. Continue to earn a living writing Software for another year.
2. Write my next book, NOT A SEQUEL
3. Get the paperback version of my book on the shelves of BookStores.
4. Attend a Tom Bird book promotion seminar.
5. Particpate in at least six book signing events.
6. Enter my book in at least 4 Book Festivals.
7. Create an audio version of the book and possibly release/sell it as weekly episodes.
8. Rewrite the book as a screenplay and submit it to at least 4 screen writing competitions.
9. Make a video trailer for the movie version of the book and get it out on the web.
10. Come up with at least 4 additional marketing strategies.
11. Win the lottery or earn a living as an Author.
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